I asked three people to answer my questionnaire, two were females and the other was male. Everyone I asked is a teenager aged between 16-17.
Response 1: Millie, Female, 17.
Question 1:
What gender are you?
- Female.
Question 2:
How old are you?
Question 3:
What is your favourite music genre?
- Pop.
Question 4:
Do you read any music magazines? If so which ones?
- Yes, We Heart Pop.
Question 5:
What would make you want to buy a music magazine?
- If a well known pop artist was on the cover and if it contained information on pop artists and the pop music culture.
Question 6:
How often do you think the magazine should be released?
- Monthly.
Question 7:
Where do you buy your clothes?
- Topshop, Forever 21 and H&M.
Question 8:
What would you like to see in a music magazine?
- Information about the pop genre, pop artists and the clothes pop artists wear e.g. the fashion in the pop music industry.
Question 9:
How much would you be willing to spend on a music magazine?
- Up to £3.50
Question 10:
Would you like my magazine to follow magazine conventions and look like other magazines or be very different?
-Follow conventions and be similar to others so that it is recognisable as a music magazine.
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