Thursday, 27 February 2014


Question 1:
I what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Magazine Cover:

Contents Page

Double Page Spread

Question 2:
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Question 3:
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Question 4:
Who would be the target audience for your media product?
Question 5:
How did you attract/ address your audience?
Question 6:
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question 7:
Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

POP Magazine Facebook Page- Feedback

I posted the pictures of my final magazine cover, contents page and double page spread to get feedback from a few people.

"The writing is clear and easy to see which will catch people's eye and invite them to read it. The model draw focus to teenage girls which I am assuming is your target audience. It look like a typical magazine and the picture is very good quality. Maybe add a patterned background instead of the block colour as it looks a bit plain. But other than that I think it's a really good cover." Amy Woodhams

"The bar code really makes the front cover for the magazine look realistic. It portrays a real life magazine and in addition the date and issue number add to this effect. The colour choices of pastel pink purple and soft greys really highlight your target audience which is clearly teenage girls. The model wears girly clothing and this draws attention to the fact it is aimed at teenage girls. The names articles on the side add to the fact it is a realistic magazine but also attracts the reader to the writing inside. The font adds to the typical teenage era and is clear and presentable. To improve I would say to add more colour to the backgrounds" Millie Johns

"I like the colour scheme because it fits in with the target audience, it is very clear that the magazine is for teenage girls from the pink colours and the models. The contents looks very professional and easy to see. I also like the contact us bit at the bottom as it makes it look more convincing." Amy Woodhams

"I think that the fact that you have used commonly used social network logos really draws the readers attention to this page and gives the magazine that realistic feel. The colours are matching those of the title page which shows consistency and also shows the teenage girl target audience you are aiming for. The language used for the magazine has a consistent 'pop' theme to link to the title of the magazine. The layout is nice and clearly displayed. The models indicate fashion is the main focus of this magazine as they all wear bright clothing which draws the attention to them. To improve I would keep the backgrounds of the models photos the same to make the page look even neater." Millie Johns

"I really like this, it looks very professional and the layout with the pictures is a lot like most magazines around at the moment. The photos look very professional too and the colour scheme is really pretty and inviting to the teenage audience." Amy Woodhams

"The top left corner shows the specific article in the magazine and the specific person the reader will be reading about. This is typically found in magazines and the fact that you have added this shows you have really gone to the highest extent to makeyour magazine realistic. The pictures are placed perfectly and the layout looks extremely professional. The fact the pages are numbered adds to the effect. The font, like on the title page is easy to read and clear. The colour is girly portraying your target audience and the pages are numbered in addition to all of this. Adding again to the realism of this magazine. To improve I would move the 'e' in the' Eden' title headline a little to the left to prevent the line from running through it." Millie Johns

From my feedback of my magazine I can see that I have used magazine conventions well as my magazine looks real and professional. I have used high quality photos throughout my magazine that show both the pop and fashion aspects of my magazine. The font I have used is suitable and easy to read. The colours, pictures and content is suitable for my target audience. I have been given a few improvements to help me in the future if I was going to do a project similar to this. Overall my feedback has shown me that I have created a professional magazine suitable for my music genre and target audience.

Facebook Page- POP Magazine

I have created a Facebook page for my magazine so that I can ask for feedback and opinions of my final magazine to help me with my evaluation.

Later on I am going to post pictures of my finished magazine cover, contents and double page spread to see what people think and to get feedback to help me with my evaluation.

Magazine Double Page Spread

This is my final Double Page Spread. I have used the feedback I have been given on my double page spread in order to help me to improve it. I have reduced the amount of text on the page as I was told that I originally had to much text on the page and that it didn't really look like an article. I was also told to improve my spacing to make more use of the space available on the page. I did this my separating sections of the articles into paragraphs to break up the text on the page, use the space better and make my article look like it belongs in a magazine. I moved the Article title up onto the top of the page to make better use of the space as this provided more room underneath for the article to go. I have kept the background image as I received positive feedback from this.
I improved my double page spread my looking back at my magazine research to see the conventions they used. Although I didn't look at Empire magazine during my originally research I looked at it recently to see the conventions and techniques they used. I had followed a convention by using columns as is saw this in all of the magazines I looked at during my research. I have added a quote from the pop star and put it into a different sans serif font, size and colour to the other parts of the article so that it would stand out, this is a technique I saw in Empire magazine. I have also made the paragraph about Eden Dee a different colour, font and style to the rest of the article to make it look more like a puff in order for it to stand out. I added page numbers at the bottom corner of each page to show the reader which page the article is on so that they are able to find it using the contents page. Next to the page number at the bottom of the left side of the page I wrote the date and magazine title as I saw this done in Empire magazine. Empire also used a shape at the top of the page to show the type of article and the article name, I used this convention in my double page spread so that it looks as professional as possible. I continued to use my colour scheme in my double page spread by using black, white, grey and variations of pink and purple. The pictures, colours and layout of my magazine is suitable for my target audience of teenage girls. I feel that I have been able to combine the pop genre of my magazine with my fashion house style due to the colours, layout, style and article contents.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Magazine Contents Page

This is my final contents page. I have used the feedback I was given in order to improve my contents page. I had originally had one large picture on the left side of the page of the girl who is also on my front cover, my feedback suggested that I should add more pictures of other people as if the reader doesn't like 'Eden Dee' they may not want to look at and read my magazine as she is on the front cover and was the only picture on the contents page. I looked back at my magazine research to use the contents pages to help me improve my contents page, two of the three had multiple pictures positioned throughout the page so I therefore decided to use this technique for my front cover. The three pictures I have used are relevant to the articles within my magazine, under each picture shows which page in the magazine the article regarding the picture of the person is located. I decided to use a pink textured background for the background of the contents page to continue the colour scheme and to show that the target audience for my magazine is teenage girls as I have used the colour pink and have included pictures of teenage girls in my contents page in order to attract my target audience to read my magazine. My feedback suggested that I move the article titles and page numbers up to make more use of the space so I did this. I was also told that I needed to include the page number of the contents page so I did this and put it in the bottom corner as this is where page numbers normally go and is a convention of magazines. To make use of the space at the bottom of the page I have added a contact us page in order for the reader to find the POP Magazine social networks. I have included a picture of my magazine cover at the top of the contents page as I saw this done during my research in Top of the Pops Magazine. I have followed the magazine conventions I saw during my research by having a title at the top of the page to show the purpose of the page, a page number at the bottom of the page, a variety of pictures and have sectioned by article titles into categories of Features and Regulars as I saw this done during my research. I have used random page numbers of where in the magazine the articles are and have made sure that the don't go up in ascending order as in the magazines I looked at during my magazine they were in random order as the location of the article within the magazine will depend on the category the article come under for example Features and Regulars. I have also mainly used odd numbers as new articles normally start on the left side of the page, I saw this during my magazine research. 
I have mainly used all of the space on the page to and separated the article titles to the pictures so that it is clear and easy to read. I have continued to use the grey, black, white and variations of pink and purple colour scheme for the contents page of my magazine to make it constant throughout. The colours I have used are suitable for a pop magazine as during my research I found that colours ascosiated with pop are bright and patels like. My contents page is suitable for my target audience of teenage girls due to the colours I have used, the style and layout and the pictures of teenage girls I have used on the contents page to attract my target audience to read the magazine.

Magazine Front Cover

This is my final front cover of my magazine. I have used the feedback I got about my magazine cover to change some parts in order to improve it. The improvements I have made from the feedback I received was to re-shape the main image to make it slightly larger as it looked squashed, move the article title regarding the pop star on the magazine cover away from the others to set it apart and change the font and colour of her name to make it different from the other article titles. I re sized the barcode to make it smaller as I was told it was too big and took up too much room in the bottom right corner. I have also repositioned some of the article titles and added another to make more use of the space to create a good layout. I made the masthead slightly bigger and moved it into the centre a little bit more and changed the position of the date and issue number to the top right of the page as this space was blank and looked empty where in my research of pop magazines I found that they are busy and use most of the space on the page. I have altered my original plans by changing the position of the main image and the article titles. I have used a colour scheme of pink, some purple, black, white and a variation of greys. I had planned on mainly using a variety of pinks and purples but found that the colours I have chosen look better on the cover with the pink background and one purple article title. I have followed the conventions of a magazine cover by putting the masthead at the top of the magazine, I also put the barcode in one of the bottom corners of the magazine again this is a magazine convention. I used one main image for the cover as I saw this done on the magazine covers I looked at during my research, I have decided to put my main image in the centre of the magazine rather than to the side like I had originally planned as all of the magazines I looked at during my research has the main image positioned in the centre of the cover. I have followed magazine conventions by having some of the main magazine articles on the cover. I have put the article titles in a large bold sans serif font with the dark variation of grey colours against the light pink background so that they can be seen clearly and to attract readers to look at and read the magazine. It was suggested in my questionnaire response to use magazine conventions but do a few things differently so did this for the layout and size of the magazine article titles. During my research I saw that the article titles on the magazine covers were a variety of sizes and fonts but mainly small, to make my magazine different I chose to make all of my articles titles large and in the same font in variations of grey apart from the article title containing the name of the pop star on the front of the magazine where I used a different serif font in a dark purple to set it apart from the others. All of the article titles are positioned along the right side of the main image apart from the article title about the pop star on the magazine cover as this is positioned on the left side to also set it apart from the others. I have used this style and positioning for my article titles so that they can be read clearly and attracts the reader to look at and read the magazine, I also did this to make my magazine look different to others. Although it wasn't one of the original magazines I looked at during my magazine research I saw that the article title layout on some of the billboard magazines are positioned either side of the main image and in bold sans serif font, I liked this and like that it looked different to other magazines so I used this technique for magazine cover. I have made my magazine cover suitable for my target audience of teenage girls and the pop genre by using the light pink/peach background to make the magazine cover stand out, these are the colours I chose for my magazine colour scheme as they are colours associated with pop as they are bright and a slightly pastel. They are suitable for my target audience of teenage girls as I have used a pink background with both gradient grey text and the model I have used is a teenage girl who fits into the target audience.

Magazine Double Page Spread- Feedback

I have received feedback on my double page spread to find out how I can improve it. The first comment I received is that there is too much text on the page and that the spacing is off, I am going to redo the layout of my text so that I am able to use the space available on the page better. I am also going to take out some of the text on the page so that the page isn't as crowed and change the spacing of the text. I am planning on moving the Title and intro up onto the top section of the page so that I have more space to use underneath. Apart from this the feedback I have received has shown me that I have used a good background and good positioning of the pictures either side.  

Magazine Contents Page- Feedback

I have received feedback on my contents page to help me to improve it. The first thing I was told was to add more pictures as contents pages us a multiple of pictures where as I have only used one. The image I have put in of my magazine cover is too big and takes up too much space at the top of the page, I was told to move the magazine article titles upward to make more use of the space. I also need to add a page number to the bottom of the page. I am going to use this feedback to improve my contents page but I am also going to refer back to the magazine contents pages I looked at during my research. 

Magazine Front Cover- Feedback

I have been given feedback on my magazine cover to find out how I can improve it. The first suggestion was to move the 'Eden Dee' article title to another section of the page and to consider making it a different colour and font so that it is set appart from he rest of he article titles and to show who the pop star on the front of the magazine is.
I have been told to consider resizing the main image to make it slightly bigger so that the picture doesn't look as squashed together and so that I am able to use the space better. From the feedback I now know that the barcode is too big as it takes up too much room on the bottom left corner so I need to resize it to make it smaller.


I have asked my friend Emily to give me feedback on my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread. Emily is a 17 year old girl who is also taking a level media studies. I have told her that the magazine is a pop magazine with a fashion house style. I have told her that my target audience is teenage girls. These are the pictures I sent Emily of my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread, she sent me feedback via email.
Magazine Cover

Magazine Contents Page

Magazine Double Page Spread

This is the email I sent to Emily containing the three images of my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread as shown above asking her to give me feedback on them.

This is the reply email Emily sent with her feedback of my magazine
"I like the colours you have used for the cover as they are suitable for a pop magazine, the name pop also shows that it is a pop magazine. The main image and colours you have used are suitable for your target audience. There is a good use of magazine conventions on your cover e.g. your masthead at the top of the page, the barcode at the bottom of the page, cover lines, date, issue number and price that show that this is a magazine. To improve your cover I think you should move the Eden Dee cover title to another part of the page to set it apart from the other cover lines, change the size, colour and font of Eden Dee to make it stand out and to show who the girl on the cover is. The main image looks squashed so stretch it out a bit to make it bigger and so that you can use up more of the page. The barcode in the bottom corner is too big.
I like that you have used the a similar colour scheme on the contents page to the cover. Your contents page is suitable for your genre and target audience due to the colours and article titles. You should add more pictures because contents pages normally use lots of pictures but you have only used one big one, maybe take out the big pictures and replace it with a few smaller ones. You need to have pictures of other people because if the reader doesn't like this person they may not want to read your magazine as she is on the cover and contents. I like the picture of the magazine cover but it is too big, make it smaller and maybe move it to another place on the page so that you can move the article titles and page numbers up. You should put in the page number somewhere on the page as this is still one of the magazine pages.
I like the pictures and background on your double page spread but I think there is too much text, maybe take some of it out so that you are able to use the space better. The text spacing is also off, you should add more paragraphs to break the text up a bit.
I like what you have done by following magazine conventions and making your magazine suitable for the audience and genre but making improvements will make your magazine better.
I hope this helps!
Emily x"
I am going to use this feedback to help me to improve my magazine.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Making my Contents Page

I started by choosing my favourite picture for my contents page. I chose this one due the the position Emily is standing in. During my magazine research I found that not many had a picture of a model on the page as some had pictures of people located around the page for example in Top of the Pops and Mojo had one large close up as the background, because of this I wanted to make my content page different by choosing to use one picture that is going to be positioned on the left side of the page.

Next I moved the picture to the left side of the page as planned and shown in my contents page sketches. I selected a section of the background and copied it to a new layer using control J allowing me to stretch the background onto the right side of the page to use as the page background. I used the blur tool to smooth out the joining of the two layers.
 Next I added a new layer with a rectangle shape that I filled in a pale pink to continue the colour scheme and pop theme of my magazine. This shape has been put in place so that I can put the article titles and the pages they can be found within it so that it is separate from the background and easy to read. This is a technique used by a lot of the magazines I looked at during my research including Mojo and Top of the Pops so I decided to use it for my contents page as well. To enable me to put the shape in front of the background but behind the picture I used the magnetic lasso tool to select a section of the picture and put it into a new layer so that I was able to achieve this.
Next I added different coloured rectangles to show and make clear the contents page title, sections within the magazine and the page numbers. This was done in two magazines I looked at during my research Mojo and Top of the Pops.
I included a smaller image of the magazine issue cover, to show the cover and to show the continued theme and colour scheme. This was a technique done in Top of the Pops Magazine which was one of the magazines I looked at during my research.
Next I added the articles that can be found within the magazine but split them into two categories of Features and Regulars to identify which articles are in every magazine issue and which as in this specific issue of the magazine. This was done in the contents pages of the magazines I looked at during my magazine research although some including Top of the Pops and Shout had a multiple of categories for specific articles for example beauty, style and celebrity gossip but I chose to use two to keep it simple and feel that it is more suitable for older teenage girls rather than having lots of categories which in my opinion are more suited to younger girls. I put the magazine page numbers into a random order that were not ascending as this is a convention of magazines that I saw in all of the magazines I looked at during my research. Most of the page numbers are odd as new articles commonly start on the left side of the page and continue onto the right, I saw this in the magazines I looked at during my research.

Making my Magazine Cover

I started by choosing my favourite picture for my front cover, I decided to use this picture as I like the way Emily is positioned. It is also an nontraditional pose for a magazine as the magazine cover pictures I looked at during my research as they were full body shots were the models are stood straight. This is why I like and have decided to use this picture for my front cover.

I then moved the picture to the right side of the page as I am going to put the article headings on the left. This is something I didn't see on other magazines during my research although I wanted to use it as one of my questionnaire responses suggested I didn't follow all of the conventions of a magazine. I added a barcode to the bottom right of the cover as during my research I found that a convention of a magazine is to have the barcode on one of the bottom corners so I therefore decided to follow this convention.
I then added the magazine title to the front cover at the top of the magazine, this is the traditional position of a magazine cover therefore I followed the magazine convention of the position of the masthead is this is where it was positioned on the cover of the magazines I looked at during my research.
I changed the position of the main image to the centre of the page as I felt that this looked better. Next I took the white background off of the masthead, I put it into the position I wanted it and then moved it behind the model on the cover. To do this I used the magnetic lasso tool to select around the Emily, I then pressed control J to make a separate layer with just Emily on it and then put the layer in front of the layer with the masthead. I did it this way so that later on if I wanted to change the position of anything on my magazine cover I could do it as easily as possible. I put the masthead behind the model as I saw this done on the magazines I looked at during my research.
I then added my article headings around the picture of the model located in the centre of the page, I used the font Bebas Neue for the article headings and took them directly from the DaFont website by taking print screens and cropping them then removing the background.
I then again changed the position of the main image of Emily to the left side of the page as I feel that this looks better, after doing this I began to reposition the article headings so that they fit well on the page. I had originally planned to have the main image on the right side of the page with the article headings running along the left side but I now feel that this is the best position for the cover conventions.
I have aligned the article headings along the right side of the page with all finishing at the same point to make them look well balanced, the article headings are not in the traditional position and layout of magazines but I feel that this looks best, during my questionnaire it was also suggested that I do some things differently by not following all conventions. I have moved the barcode to the left side of the page as it is most suited here, I am still following the convention of the barcode position as it is located on one of the bottom corners. By doing this I feel that I have used the space well and have been able to create a good layout. Although I didn't see the main image on the left side of the page with the article headings to the right on the magazines I looked at during my research I feel that this looks best.
Next I changed the colour of the article titles by using variations of grey to create a gradient pattern. Doing this has made the text stand out more than it did when it was black and in my opinion has made the magazine look more professional and stand out so that readers are attracted to it. The colours I have used for my magazine still make it look like it is from the pop genre due to the bright pink background with the black, white and variations of grey for the text so that the text can be read by all users and is still suitable for my target audience of teenage girls.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Making my Double Page Spread

I am currently in the process of creating my double page spread.

I have started by putting one of the pictures I like on the left side of the double page spread background.

Next I put in the second picture I like on the right side, I decided to put the two pictures on each side of the page, I did this so that the page looks balanced and symmetrical. Although I didn't see this done in the magazines I looked at as part of my research I did look at how there double page spreads were laid out, I preferred the ones that flowed consistently from one page to the other rather than having the look of two separate pages. This is why I chose to do this and to use the two pictures on each side of the page as I want the double page spread to be spread on both pages and be symmetrical with a picture on each side and then put the two article columns in the middle as I believe this is a good use of space and will create a good layout allowing the readers to follow and read the article well. 

I then selected an area of the wall duplicated in onto another layer and moved it into the middle to fill the space in the middle, this is so that I have an open space with the background so that I am able to fill it with the magazine article. I decided to use the picture background to fill the space as I liked the texture and look of the background, doing this allowed me to bring the two pictures together on the double page spread. I did this because during my magazine research I found that the magazines used the background well allowing them to incorporate the pictures with the text.

I covered the wooden object in the picture by moving the picture along and covering it with the new layer, this is so that I was able to make the pictures look as professional as possible by removing unnecessary furniture within the image. Within the the magazines I looked at the double page spread pictures were taken against a background without any props or furniture in them so I decided to do this as well. 

Finally I flattened the image to combine all of the layers into one, I then used then stretched the middle background image and used the smudge tool to make the background smooth and make the picture look like one. Then I converted the picture into black and white using 'image, mode and greyscale'. This is so that I was able to make the background image look like one image rather than multiple put together, during my magazine research I found that the double page spread pictures looked as one and were against one solid background, this is why I done this for my double page spread. I found that putting the background image into black and white looked better than it did in colour although the double page spreads I looked at during my research were in colour but mine looked better in black and white. 

Now that I have done my double page spread background image I am going to put it into InDesign so that I can add the page title and page text.

On InDesign I started my inserting part of my article title, I got this font from I printscreened the font on the website and put it onto PhotoShop were I cropped the image and adjusted the colour to a gradient purple as I thought this would go well with the grey background from the black and white image. Later on I will remove the white background from the text.

Next I added the next part of the title, I am going to alter the size of the font later on. I have put the article title here as it looks best and makes the double page spread fit well over both pages rather than making them look separate as the article title is on both pages. During my magazine research I saw that they had placed the article title in a similar positon so therefore I wanted to follow this convention to make my double page spread flow and look as professional as possible.

I am going to put my article into two columns, one on each page. I am putting my article into columns as this is a convention of magazines and was done in all of the magazines I looked at during my research. The columns are on each side of the page as this makes the most use of the space and creates a good layout that can be read and followed easily by the reader. Using InDesign has allowed me to position the article text within a column but to also fit around the pictures located on each side of the page this was a technique used in the double page spread magazine articles I looked at during my research so was a convention I decided to follow as it gives the double page spread a professional look and feel rather than being in straight columns.    

Text Choice

When doing my magazine research I found that most magazines use clear fonts so that it is easy to read by all readers, because of this I am going to use a basic font throughout my magazine and may change the size and make some parts bold to stand out. I may use different fonts for page titles.
To search for a font I used, dafont is a website containing a large variety and style of fonts.

This is the font I am going to use on my front cover in a variety of pinks, purples and black in different sizes to make certain parts stand out it is also cleas and easy to read as it is a sans serif font meaning it doesn't have any serifs at the end of each letters. This means that it will be easy to read on magazines and on the internet.

I am going to use the font Times New Roman that is simular to sanford for my article, I am going to use this font because it is clear and easy to read, it also looks like a 'fashionable' font so will suit my house style of being a fashion music magazine. Times New Roman is easy to read although it is slightly serif meaning some letters have serifs (circle like shapes and flicks) at the end of the letters.

I am going to use this font in a few places throughout my magazine e.g. when the name of my 'pop star' is written.

Serif and Sans Serif

Serif and Sans Serif refers to the style of font, Serif fonts have serifs at the end of each letter these are flicks or circle shapes. Serif fonts are harder to read on computers or for small shaped fonts due to the flicks at the end of each letter.
Sans Serif fonts are fonts without the serifs at the end of each letter so are bold and clear, these fonts are easy to read on computer screens and when the font is small due to the bold and straight style of font.

Double Page Spread Article

Eden Dee is currently one of the most talked about pop stars due to her fashionable style, an on the rise pop star how stormed to the top of the charts with her hit single Butterflies. Her fan base has increased due to her love of highstreet fashion allowing her fans to copy her style and follow in her footsteps, Eden is currently working on the release of her clothing line the 'Edie Collection' exclusive to Topshop set to hit the highstreet stores early March. Although this is currently her main priority she is still working on her album rumoured to be released during the summer.
Where did it begin?
Eden Dee attended the Brit School in London until 2012 when she graduated. Eden released her first single Butterflies in the autumn of 2013, becoming more well known lead to and increase in her popularity. Since then Eden has been photographed wearing highstreet favourites including New Look, Topshop and River Island. The demand for her clothing and copycat styles meant that Topshop approached Eden with the opportunity to start her own clothing line. The Edie Collection is predicted to be a great success and we certainly cannot wait for the release.

Equiptment Used

To take my pictures I used a Canon 1100D digital SLR, I used this because of the high quality pictures the camera produces. With the camera I am going to use good lighting to ensure that my pictures are a high quality so that they look professional as pictures used in magazines and the pictures in the magazines I looked at during my research are high quality and with good lighting. 

To edit my pictures I am going to use Adobe Photoshop CS4, this is so that I am able to edit my pictures well so that they still look proffesional and high quality, I am planning on editing my pictures on Photoshop by brightening them, using shape minupulation to make the picture fit the page size in the way I want it to and move the background behind the picture so that it the picture looks like a high quality magazine image but that it isn't clear it has been editing.

To make my double page spread I am going to use Adobe InDesign CS4. This is so that I am able to make my double page spread look as proffesional and magazine like as possible so that I am able to make my double page spread look similar to the ones I looked at during my research. I am going to edit the background picture in Photoshop then I am going to put the background image into InDesign and use the features InDesign provides including using different layers to be able to put the text into columns, postition the article heading and making some areas of article text stand out as I saw this done in the magazine double page spreads I looked at during my research.

Double Page Spread Pictures- Top 3

I am going to use this picture on the right side of my page, a lot of the double page spreads I looked at during my research used half body shots, therefore I am going to use this picture for my double page spread. 

 I am also going to use this image for my double page spread as the double page spreads I looked at during my research used half body shots in different positions on the double page spread. This is why I am going to do something similar for my double page spread. 

I am only going to use two pictures for my double page spread and prefer the two above therefore I am not going to use this picture. Also because it is a medium close up shot and I didn't see this a lot during my magazine research.

Double Page Spread Pictures

For my double page spread I used the same pink textured background as the contents page pictures but I am going to put these pictures in black and white so therefore the background will look grey. Emily is wearing Outfit 1 for the double page spread pictures.

Contents Page Pictures- Top 5

This is my favourite picture from the ones I took for the contents page. I like the half body shot as I will be able to use it for the side of the contents page like I have planned in my hand drawn designs.

 I like the quality and style of this picture although I feel it is unsuitable for my contents page design.

 During my magazine research I didn't see a picture like this in the contents pages, because of this I am not going to use this picture.

This is one of the better pictures from my shoot but looks unproffesional and therefore unsuitable for my contents page.

 I like the pose and the position of Emily in this picture but I would have to do more editing to this picture than the first picture. Because of this I am going to use picture 1 for my contents page.