Sunday, 23 February 2014

Making my Contents Page

I started by choosing my favourite picture for my contents page. I chose this one due the the position Emily is standing in. During my magazine research I found that not many had a picture of a model on the page as some had pictures of people located around the page for example in Top of the Pops and Mojo had one large close up as the background, because of this I wanted to make my content page different by choosing to use one picture that is going to be positioned on the left side of the page.

Next I moved the picture to the left side of the page as planned and shown in my contents page sketches. I selected a section of the background and copied it to a new layer using control J allowing me to stretch the background onto the right side of the page to use as the page background. I used the blur tool to smooth out the joining of the two layers.
 Next I added a new layer with a rectangle shape that I filled in a pale pink to continue the colour scheme and pop theme of my magazine. This shape has been put in place so that I can put the article titles and the pages they can be found within it so that it is separate from the background and easy to read. This is a technique used by a lot of the magazines I looked at during my research including Mojo and Top of the Pops so I decided to use it for my contents page as well. To enable me to put the shape in front of the background but behind the picture I used the magnetic lasso tool to select a section of the picture and put it into a new layer so that I was able to achieve this.
Next I added different coloured rectangles to show and make clear the contents page title, sections within the magazine and the page numbers. This was done in two magazines I looked at during my research Mojo and Top of the Pops.
I included a smaller image of the magazine issue cover, to show the cover and to show the continued theme and colour scheme. This was a technique done in Top of the Pops Magazine which was one of the magazines I looked at during my research.
Next I added the articles that can be found within the magazine but split them into two categories of Features and Regulars to identify which articles are in every magazine issue and which as in this specific issue of the magazine. This was done in the contents pages of the magazines I looked at during my magazine research although some including Top of the Pops and Shout had a multiple of categories for specific articles for example beauty, style and celebrity gossip but I chose to use two to keep it simple and feel that it is more suitable for older teenage girls rather than having lots of categories which in my opinion are more suited to younger girls. I put the magazine page numbers into a random order that were not ascending as this is a convention of magazines that I saw in all of the magazines I looked at during my research. Most of the page numbers are odd as new articles commonly start on the left side of the page and continue onto the right, I saw this in the magazines I looked at during my research.

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