I have started by putting one of the pictures I like on the left side of the double page spread background.
Next I put in the second picture I like on the right side, I decided to put the two pictures on each side of the page, I did this so that the page looks balanced and symmetrical. Although I didn't see this done in the magazines I looked at as part of my research I did look at how there double page spreads were laid out, I preferred the ones that flowed consistently from one page to the other rather than having the look of two separate pages. This is why I chose to do this and to use the two pictures on each side of the page as I want the double page spread to be spread on both pages and be symmetrical with a picture on each side and then put the two article columns in the middle as I believe this is a good use of space and will create a good layout allowing the readers to follow and read the article well.
I then selected an area of the wall duplicated in onto another layer and moved it into the middle to fill the space in the middle, this is so that I have an open space with the background so that I am able to fill it with the magazine article. I decided to use the picture background to fill the space as I liked the texture and look of the background, doing this allowed me to bring the two pictures together on the double page spread. I did this because during my magazine research I found that the magazines used the background well allowing them to incorporate the pictures with the text.
I covered the wooden object in the picture by moving the picture along and covering it with the new layer, this is so that I was able to make the pictures look as professional as possible by removing unnecessary furniture within the image. Within the the magazines I looked at the double page spread pictures were taken against a background without any props or furniture in them so I decided to do this as well.
Finally I flattened the image to combine all of the layers into one, I then used then stretched the middle background image and used the smudge tool to make the background smooth and make the picture look like one. Then I converted the picture into black and white using 'image, mode and greyscale'. This is so that I was able to make the background image look like one image rather than multiple put together, during my magazine research I found that the double page spread pictures looked as one and were against one solid background, this is why I done this for my double page spread. I found that putting the background image into black and white looked better than it did in colour although the double page spreads I looked at during my research were in colour but mine looked better in black and white.
Now that I have done my double page spread background image I am going to put it into InDesign so that I can add the page title and page text.
On InDesign I started my inserting part of my article title, I got this font from DaFont.com I printscreened the font on the website and put it onto PhotoShop were I cropped the image and adjusted the colour to a gradient purple as I thought this would go well with the grey background from the black and white image. Later on I will remove the white background from the text.
Next I added the next part of the title, I am going to alter the size of the font later on. I have put the article title here as it looks best and makes the double page spread fit well over both pages rather than making them look separate as the article title is on both pages. During my magazine research I saw that they had placed the article title in a similar positon so therefore I wanted to follow this convention to make my double page spread flow and look as professional as possible.
I am going to put my article into two columns, one on each page. I am putting my article into columns as this is a convention of magazines and was done in all of the magazines I looked at during my research. The columns are on each side of the page as this makes the most use of the space and creates a good layout that can be read and followed easily by the reader. Using InDesign has allowed me to position the article text within a column but to also fit around the pictures located on each side of the page this was a technique used in the double page spread magazine articles I looked at during my research so was a convention I decided to follow as it gives the double page spread a professional look and feel rather than being in straight columns.
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