Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Front Cover Pictures- Top 5

I like this picture as it is different to a typical stood up straight picture, if I chose this picture I feel I would be able to stretch the background and would be able to follow my plan of putting the article titles to the side of the picture.

 If  I used this picture I would firstly have to edit out the door using Photoshop and manipulate the background. This picture isn't my favourite due to the facial expression as during my magazine research the pictures on the cover of the pop magazines I looked at had models who were smiling.

 I like this picture but Emily is facing to the side, although this picture looks more like the cover of a fashion magazine as I looked at a few during my research, I want to focus on the conventions of a pop magazine the pictures on the cover of the pop magazines I looked at during my research had front facing pictures.

 I like this picture as the position is similar to the fashion magazines I looked at during my research but I want to use a more casual pose like the ones I saw during my research of pop magazines.

I like this picture due to the pose but I prefer the pictures due to editing possibilities.

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