Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Contents Page Hand Drawn Designs

Contents Page:
This is my plan for my Contents Page, I am going to use a white/beige background with pink, purple and black coloured texts, to continue the theme of a pop magazine by using the colours associated with Pop.
The Contents Page title is going to be on the top right of the page above the list of articles.
I am going to include a picture of the front cover of the magazine as I have seen this in previous magazines I have looked at.
I am using a medium long shot of outfit 2 (this can be found on my Model Outfit, Hair and Makeup post) on the left side of the page next to the list of articles in the page.
The right side of the page is where I am going to have a list of the articles featured in the issue of the magazine. This will be split into two categories of Featured articles in the magazine and Regular articles found in the magazine. The article page numbers are going to be to the right of the article title to inform the reader of where in the magazine the article can be found. The numbers will be in a random order as most if not all magazine contents page numbers do not go up in ascending order.

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